Component for devsimplified site sveltekit + Blogger
Please note that some styles can be used directly in 'Writing view' mode and some can only be used in 'HTML View' mode but we still try to make their use as easy for you as possible.
Image with Caption
For this section you can directly use it in 'Writing display' mode, the caption in this image will not read in the article / snippet description.
Semua gambar dalam artikel akan otomatis memiliki fungsi lightbox
kecuali gambar dalam tag Figure , cobalah klik salah satu gambar
dalam postingan ini.
Image with Grid Layout
Manual Related Post
Penting untuk diketahui bahwa fitur ini ditulis secara manual, tidak otomatis tampil disetiap halaman.
Dikarenakan ada masalah pada script Related Posts in-Article yang tidak bekerja pada perangkat IOS maka kami memutuskan untuk mengubahnya menjadi manual.
Dikarenakan ada masalah pada script Related Posts in-Article yang tidak bekerja pada perangkat IOS maka kami memutuskan untuk mengubahnya menjadi manual.
Post Break
Fitur ini dapat anda gunakan untuk memisahkan paragraf atau untuk membuka pembahasan baru dalam postingan, berikut contoh tampilannya:
Paragraph with Text Indent
Pada paragraf ini akan memiliki indentasi baris pertama, sederhanyanya untuk membuat sebuah kalimat yang ada di paragraf pertama menjorok ke dalam dengan nilai yang sudah ditentukan.
Anda bisa menerapkan fitur ke banyak paragraf sesuai kebutuhan
Paragraph with Drop cap
X large capital letters used as decorative elements at the beginning of a paragraph or section. The size of the descending boundary is usually two or more lines.
Drop cap will change the size of the first letter of the paragraph so that the letter drops one or several lines down. Many types of print media use drop stamps such as books, magazines, newspapers and so on because they can add visual dance power.
Friend prices are prices that are higher than normal prices because they aim to help friends who pioneer businesses
-Xettri Aleen
Other style formats that you can use:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vestibulum dignissim diam, et efficitur felis commodo et. Mauris vel diam pellentesque lorem lacinia luctus. Nulla quam magna, pharetra in ultrices at, condimentum id tellus.
- Sed suscipit sapien sed turpis ultrices viverra. Ut quis dui sed odio sollicitudin fermentum.
- Sed suscipit sapien sed turpis ultrices viverra. Ut quis dui sed odio sollicitudin fermentum.
hello world
The table on this theme has been set to support the response, for example if the number of columns or width of the table exceeds the width of the screen so as not to automatically damage the layout the table will have a scroll function.
Please open this article on your mobile device and highlight the table section below:
No | Column_1 | Column_2 | Column_3 | Column_4 | Column_5 |
Data_table_1 | 00,000 | 00,000 | 00,000 | 00,000 | 00,000 |
Data_table_2 | 00,000 | 00,000 | 00,000 | 00,000 | 00,000 |
Data_table_3 | 00,000 | 00,000 | 00,000 | 00,000 | 00,000 |
Data_table_4 | 00,000 | 00,000 | 00,000 | 00,000 | 00,000 |
Data_table_5 | 00,000 | 00,000 | 00,000 | 00,000 | 00,000 |
Table of Content Manual
There are 2 choices that you can use to add a table of content or table of contents to the post, first manually and the second is semi-automatic.
To write a manual you must add an attribute id=' ... ' new to each heading tag that you want to add to the table of contents, the advantage is that you can choose which tags to add even if the user might be a little difficult for beginners.
end of table of contents
Syntaxt Highlighter
This format is used to write HTML code lines in posts, commonly used on blogs with coding themes or blogging tutorials.
Here is an example of how it looks: